There’s never been a time like now to DIY your own facial cleansers! With movement restrictions and a squeeze on goods that can make it difficult to get your hands on your favourite cleanser, it should be comforting to know that the very best cleansers are natural, easily accessible and possibly already in your pantry!
Try these natural cleansers which are not only packed with vitamins, fatty acids and antiseptic qualities but are inexpensive and guaranteed to leave your skin feeling fresh, supple and healthy.
Coconut oil
Not only is Coconut Oil one of the most effective, natural cleansers around, the fresh, sweet scent of your daily cleansing routine with leave you feeling as if you’ve just returned from the Caribbean. Coconut Oil is derived from coconut butter and used in a variety of food and cosmetic products.
Coconut Oil is an ideal cleanser for a number of key reasons. It offers antibacterial and antifungal properties which are helpful for people with acne and eczema, and keeps PH levels steady to avoid irritating the skin. It is absorbed slowly by the skin with a soothing effect on dry skin conditions. Packed with antioxidants it can help to reduce fine lines and even moisturisers while you cleanse. Coconut oil however is very high in sold fatty acids which can clog pores so should avoided if skin is acne prone, oily or if pores are especially large.
At BeeLoved it’s only natural we would espouse the benefits of raw honey! Honey has a range of healing and soothing properties and is particularly effective when used as part of a daily skincare routine. Honey has excellent antibacterial and probiotic properties to support skin and skin healing and removes dirt and build-ups with gentle cleansing action. Unlike most commercial cleansing products, it won’t strip the skin of its natural oils meaning it is kind to sensitive skin and dry skin conditions including eczema. It is easy to apply after warming a half teaspoon between the fingers, and far cheaper than off-the-shelf mainstream cosmetic alternatives.
Olive Oil
It may sound counter-intuitive to cleanse your skin with oil, particularly if you’re prone to oily skin, however Chemistry 101 tells us that “like dissolves like” meaning that olive oil can actually help control excess oil on your skin. Olive oil penetrates deeply into the skin and won’t clog up your pores like some off-the-shelf cosmetic cleansers. During cleansing it balances your natural oils without stripping lipids from your skin cells. Olive oil has excellent anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its high monounsaturated fatty acid content and is a superb make-up remover that removes even the most stubborn waterproof eyeliner! It is packed with antioxidants – Vitamin E, polyphenols, and phytosterols – which have powerful anti-ageing effects, smooth the skin and help protect it from ultraviolet rays. Olive oil does leave a residual film on the skin so if you are used to a cleanser that leaves your skin feeling fresh then olive oil may take a little getting used to.
The cool, soothing consistency of natural yogurt not only nourishes and calms skin but it works very effectively to detoxify and cleanse. Yoghurt is full of protein, calcium, vitamin D and probiotics – all equally as good for your on your inside and out. Yoghurt is also a wonderful exfoliator thanks to its rich lactic acid content, an alpha hydroxy acid that dissolves dead skin cells. Not only does this gentle exfoliating effect not only freshens the skin but can even help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Who would have thought your average breakfast could give you SUCH a boost?
General tip: If you plan to use oil, honey or yogurt to cleanse your skin, do take the time to find a good quality natural product that is unrefined and ideally, organic. Remember you are what you eat and given our skin can absorb nutrients in the same way our body can absorb them from food, it’s worth investing in products that are completely free from any nasties.
This post appeared first in the Bee Loved Skincare blog.