If your skin is feeling a little tighter and perhaps more irritated, it might be a result of the change of season. As autumn advances and the cooler weather sets in, it’s time to change up your skincare routine and give your skin back what the elements have taken out.
That doesn’t mean your regime has to break the bank though!
Check out some of our kind-to-your-purse beauty regime ideas that are simple and easy to do at home, while protecting and nourishing your skin during the season change.
The smooth, soft texture of natural, organic yoghurt combined with its powerful nourishing and calming features makes it an ideal everyday facial cleanser. With active bacterial cultures yoghurt plays a key role in managing the build-up of bad bacteria on your skin, helping to fight pimples and acne. It also helps to very gently dissolve dead skin cells that can also cause spots, thanks to its rich lactic acid content. When using yoghurt on your skin be sure to always use plain, unsweetened yoghurt as any additives will reduce the effectiveness of the yoghurt on your skin.
Once a week throughout the autumn your face may benefit from a little scrub – something to help move along persistent dead skin cells and soften any sun damage from the summer and dry, wind-buffeted skin. This gentle exfoliator is not only quick and easy to make, but full of nourishing properties from the olive oil and antibacterial protection from the honey. Simply mix ¼ cup of ground almonds, ½ cup of olive oil and a squirt of honey to achieve a firm consistency, and gentle massage on the face in a circular motion. Remove with warm water and a wash cloth to feel fresh and revitalised. Wherever possible, be sure to source the best quality organic products you can for your skincare scrub.
While you may be tempted to eat it, trust us, this rich banana chocolate mask will be worth forfeiting for the glow it brings to your skin. Rich in antioxidants, antibacterial and moisturising properties and Vitamin E for addressing sun damage from the summer months, this mask will help restore the skin’s softness, reduce the appearance of fine lines and maintain the skin’s elasticity. Simply mix together in a bowl a small quantity of cocoa powder, one ripe banana, a dash of honey and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, bringing it to a firm consistency. Apply to the face and neck for a half hour and do your best to resist licking the bowl! Remove with warm water and a wash cloth.
Protecting your skin from the elements is an important step in regulating moisture loss and skin damage from the wind, cold and rain. While it may be tempting to reach for a jar of petroleum jelly for the lips or a paraffin wax solution to soften dry skin, remember instead of helping the skin to breathe and maintain its moisture balance it will block and suffocate the skin, essentially making dryness worse. The natural beeswax in Bee Loved Skincare not only lets the skin breathe but it provides a protective barrier from the autumnal elements. Our face duo, Bee Loved Face Cream and Bee Loved Lip Balm lock in moisture while restoring dry, chapped skin and lips, and given all our products are safe enough to eat, they won’t cause irritation to sensitive skin.
With just a few simple and cost-effective tips you can turn around your autumn buffeted dry skin and get ready for winter! Click here to read more about our Face Cream and our Lip Balm and our other natural skincare products here.
This blog post appeared first in the Bee Loved Skincare Blog.